

いつかは起こされるのではないかと内心思っていた事ですが___。 配信しているマスゴミによっては請求額に凡そ3000万$程の差があるのですけど、時事通信配信のを拝借。 時事ドットコム 米空母乗組員8人、東電提訴=誤情報で被ばく、120億円請求 2012/12/27-23:35  米メディアなどによると、東日本大震災を受けて被災地沖合に派遣された米原子力空母ロナルド・レーガンの乗組員8人が27日までに、東京電力が福島第1原発事故について誤った情報を伝え、危険なレベルまで被ばくさせたとして、同社を相手に損害賠償など計1億4000万ドル(約120億円)の支払いを求める訴えを、米サンディエゴの連邦地裁に起こした。  「トモダチ作戦」として救援活動に当たった乗組員側は「米海軍が東電による健康と安全に関する偽りの情報を信頼し、安全だと誤解させられた」と主張。「東電だけが入手できた当時のデータによると、原告が活動していた地域における放射線被ばく量は、チェルノブイリ原発から同距離に住み、がんを発症した人々の被ばく量にすでに達していたことになる」と指摘した。  また日本政府についても、「ロナルド・レーガンや乗組員への放射能汚染の危険はないと主張し続けていた」とし、意図的なミスリードだったと非難した。 New York TimesとCNNでは見付けられませんでしたが、Washington Postにはしかと配信がありました。 “8名”の中には、海軍水兵の娘2人も含まれているそうです。 何故にWashington Postだけなのかな? 配信元はAP通信のようなのですが…と、検索してみたら米国内のmajormediaもlocalmediaも挙って配信していた(苦笑 NBCも配信してました。 因みに、豪州や加国のmediaも配信してます。 NBC Wopld News US sailors sue Japan's TEPCO for post-quake radiation exposure 2012/12/27 By Kari Huus, NBC News A group of U.S. Navy personnel involved in the humanitarian effort after Japan's March 2011 earthquake and tsunami have filed a lawsuit against the Tokyo Electric Power Co. for more than $200 million in compensation, punitive damages and future medical costs for exposure to radiation that leaked from the damaged Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant at the time. The plaintiffs include eight troops serving on the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier — one of whom was pregnant at the time of the alleged exposure — and her daughter. They charge that the utility, known as TEPCO, "knowingly and negligently caused, permitted and allowed misleading information concerning the true condition of the (plant) to be disseminated to the public, including the U.S. Navy Department," according to the complaint filed on Dec. 21 in a U.S. federal court in San Diego. The plaintiffs are suffering a variety of symptoms that attorney Paul Garner says were caused by the exposure, including rectal bleeding, thyroid problems and persistent migraine headaches, and all face an increased chance of developing cancer and requiring expensive medical procedures. The U.S. carrier was positioned just offshore from the damaged Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, which and suffered a meltdown which triggered the release of high levels of radiation into the air and water. "The carrier was less than two football fields away from the Fukushima Daiichi when it released a cloud of radiation," said Garner, speaking to NBC News on Thursday. He said the crew was unknowingly exposed to high levels of radiation in numerous ways, including when they cleared the carrier's decks of snow that was contaminated, and washed down the helicopters with sea water that was contaminated. The complaint said that by relying on misrepresentations about the situation by TEPCO, the U.S. Navy was "lulled into a false sense of security," believing it was "safe to operate with the waters adjacent to the FNPP, without doing research and testing that would have revealed the problems." It goes on to charge that through its conduct, TEPCO "rendered the Plaintiffs infirm and poisoned their bodies. The Plaintiffs must now endure a lifetime of radiation poisoning and suffering which could have and should have been avoided." The suit is seeking $10 million in damages for each plaintiff, plus $30 million in punitive damages and a judgment requiring TEPCO to create $100 million fund to pay for their medical costs, including monitoring and treatments. TEPCO could not immediately be reached for comment by NBC News. A TEPCO spokesman reached by The Japan Times said the company had not yet received the complaint. "We will consider a response after examining the claim," said Yusuke Kunikage, according to the Times. Since the disaster, TEPCO has operated a fund to compensate victims in Japan. Garner said that he didn't believe his clients would get justice through the Japanese system, which is why the suit was filed in a U.S. court. The complaint was served to TEPCO's office in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, he said. "We need the U.S. justice system to make this right," Garner said. TEPCO@東京電力@電事連と経済産業省は、国内のFukushimaの放射能汚染による健康被害や経済損失への損害賠償訴訟も、ノラリクラリと対応出来なくなっちゃいましたね(w 最早枕詞化した“想定外”も使えないでしょう。 他の電力会社も同様。 “杜撰な点検?沢山だったから端折っちゃった、テヘッペロ”なんて言い訳も、エクストリーム謝罪で土下座なんていうのも、全く通用しませんよ。 此処でUS NAVY.milのTop画面が興味深い絵面に。 あら、やだイケメン♪ …ではなくて、此処が気になるところです。 “×”に“紅い○枠”の中に“紅い●”、それにorangeとGreenの彩りがされた矢が2本突き刺さっていますね。 「ZEROING IN ON EXCELLENCE」 或る方面には、意味深。かも。